Friday, 3 February 2017

So, my face is fat again

Hey guys,

I'm sure you're all pleased to know that yesterdays surgery was a breeeeeze compared to the last one. Everything was totally fine and I was out and home by around 3pm. The only slight complications were that in the morning my surgeon and his team weren't entirely sure which plates were coming out (a bit worrying) meaning I had to have an emergency x-ray before they started the surgery delaying things a wee bit. They decided to take out 2 of 4 plates just to be on the safe side. The anesthetic this time was a lot better and I didn't feel at all sick afterwards which was such a relief. The only negative side affects yesterday were a bleeding nose for a few hours after surgery and extreme fatigue (to be expected). I napped for about 5 hours after coming home and woke up feeling like myself. The only painkillers I had were ibuprofen and paracetamol and the stitches all seem to be neat and tidy with hardly any bleeding etc.  Eating and drinking were all completely fine - I've just been eating soft foods but haven't needed to puree anything which is nice. Today I'm looking pretty swollen and have limited movement in my mouth. My jaw joints are pretty sore from where they were propped open during the op but its nothing unbearable.  Here's some super cute photos of the swelling..

I'm probably not going to update again unless something super dramatic happens because I'm sure you're all as sick as I am of my bloody jaw. Anyone that needs a few jaw plates out I wouldn't worry at all about it - they promised it wouldn't be nearly as bad as the last one and they were right.

Love meg

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