Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Round Two

Hi guys,

Thought I'd do a quick update as loads has been happening over the last few months.

1.Jaw movement/ General Jaw stuff
Although movement in my jaw is still slowly improving its still pretty rubbish. I rarely struggle with eating but occasionally opening my mouth wide enough for burgers etc. is a problem. Also, in the last month or so I've developed a disgusting crunch/pop on the right hand side of my bottom jaw. It sounds a bit like cracking your fingers or something but I swear i can feel the bones moving - disgusting. I'm not sure if this is normal or not, it seems fine it's just a bit gross. The only other notable thing is that the cold weather is giving me serious pain in the bits they broke. I think this is pretty normal for bones that have been broken but its a pain in the bum. Usually a scarf helps but sometimes I've had to whack out the trusty old heat pack.

2.  Infected pins (its as nice as it sounds.)
I'm having a small second operation tomorrow to remove the pins in my upper jaw as (through nobodys' fault) they became infected at the end of October. Signs to look out for are inflamed/bleeding gums and incision sites, a white residue on gums that doesn't come off with brushing(yum), and sharp pain when eating and drinking. After what felt like months on a whack-load of antibiotics my surgeon decided its probably easier to just take them out (although they don't seem to be causing me any hassle right now..typical.) They've promised this op isn't going to be nearly as bad as the last one and I should only be on soft food for a matter of days rather than months. Guess we'll find out tomorrow.

Wish me luck!


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