Thursday, 5 May 2016

Pre Op Joint Clinic

Following my pre op assessment I had a joint clinic with my orthodontist and surgeon. They did measurements/x-rays of my face and head as well as impressions of my teeth in order for them to carry out a behind the scenes "trial run" of my surgery. At this point they have not decided whether they are going to move just my upper jaw or both upper and lower jaws. My surgeon suggested that it is likely to be both jaws.

During this clinic my mum and I also asked questions about my time in hospital after the surgery and the general recovery process. 

  • My orthodontist recommended taking arnica before and after my surgery to help reduce swelling (even though my surgeon doesn't believe it helps).
  • They have also said that - provided everything goes well - I should just have bands after my surgery instead of being wired shut which is a huge relief.
  • My estimated time in hospital is 3 or 4 nights post Op.
  • My orthodontist also said I should be off liquids and onto "sludge" consistency foods - can you call that food? - almost immediately as this will speed up the recovery process.  
  • (Insultingly) my surgeon also pointed out my nose is squint by something ridiculous like 0.5 mm and that this would become more obvious after the surgery.  He told me that this would only be obvious to me as I will be scrutinizing my face a lot more than anyone else and that, if it really bothered me, he would be able to straighten it up at a later date. Apparently this is very common. 
I have two more orthodontic appointments and one more appointment with my surgeon before the big day. I can't wait!

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