Monday, 18 July 2016

Day 6 - Sunday

Afternoon all,

Today was a mixed bag. Swelling down and movement of my jaw has increased again. I FINALLY MANAGED TO CLEAN THE BACK OF MY TEETH EEEEEEEEEH. (with a baby toothbrush for about 2 seconds before my jaw got too sore and I had to close it again - but we'll count it as a success). Also would say that the majority of my right nostril is clear of gunk and blood and that I can breathe easily through it again. The other disgusting thing to report is that there are huge flakes of dry skin coming off my lips (I mean huge). I have been applying liberal amounts of Vaseline but obviously not enough!! Today the "food" I ate was: chocolate milk, some creamy soup, a McFlurry, butterscotch mousse (at a whopping 200 calories per pot) and *fanfare please* a small bowl of pureed chicken curry!! It felt so good to eat something that wasn't soup. I didn't manage very much and it made my jaw really achy to "chew" it but my god it felt - and tasted - good.

Other positives of the day included my boyfriends mum coming to visit (thank you Sarah - the flowers are beautiful!), nearly being able to sing along to Hairspray, being able to have a wee cuddle with Jake without fear of breaking my jaw again, and finally, nearly being able to smile again.

Excuse the gunk around my mouth - no matter how often I wipe I cant seem to ever have a clean face - but this is my smile. I'm so happy with how my bite looks and the movement in my face/lips/cheeks/everything is massively increasing each day. Laughing and yawning are painful but smiling, for the moment, seems to be alright.

I'm experiencing the most horrendous pins and needles in my cheeks and across my nose which will not go away - I swear they are unhinging me. I had a bath last night and applied a make shift heat pack which seemed to help a wee bit but nothing has stopped them completely. They definitely are getting worse towards the end of the day.

To round off the day I managed to choke on my entire dose of codeine and drool it all down myself. I could have cried. I found it really difficult to sleep and this is probably the first time since leaving hospital I was in some pain (maybe 3/10).

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