Sunday, 31 July 2016

Day 17, 18 and 19

Afternoon all,

The last few days have been really good. I had an appointment with my surgeon on day 17 and he seems to be really pleased with my progress. He really stressed the importance of oral hygiene as apparently all plaque is bacteria and I'm still in the time from to get an infection around my "wound sites" as they call them. Although he did say that anyone with braces tends to have significantly better oral hygiene than people who don't (go us!). I weighed myself again before the appointment and seem to have gained a few pounds since I last checked - although he didn't ask anything about my weight at the appointment. He also stressed the importance of getting a good variety in my diet in order to get enough vitamins and minerals to heal properly - especially calcium for bone growth and healing. The only bad news of the appointment was that I'm still to be on blended/very soft foods for another 3 weeks *weeps internally*. This takes me up to the week before I move to university which is less than ideal but it's not really like I have any other options. The thought of eating this kind of food for another few weeks is kind of soul destroying. My surgeon said my stitches (which are very annoying now) should dissolve in the next week/few weeks. He suggested upping my water intake to help them dissolve slightly faster.

Day 18 was a really busy and fabulous day. Jake and I went to a small zoo/farm during the day and had a nice day out. I had an amazing hot chocolate in the cafĂ© (I can only dream of how many calories were in it). I didn't manage the marshmallows.

It was also my best friends (and life partner forever) 20th birthday so Jake and I had a wee night out with her to celebrate. It felt so good to get dressed up and wear makeup. I feel like I've definitely got my groove back - it's amazing what a pair of tartan trousers and gold shoes can do for your mood!

Day 19 had involved not much of anything. Last night has tired me our quite a lot so I did try and nap for a few hours in the afternoon, I've been trying hard to drink more today so my stitches dissolve faster as they're really bloody irritating now. I've also had fish pie for the third day in a row and I'm still not sick of it yet. Anything with cheese sauce is my favourite thing to eat at the moment.

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