Monday, 25 July 2016

Day 12 & Day 13

Day 12

Today was a big day as I moved back upstairs to my own bedroom! It feels so good to be back in my own bed and, although its making my mum a bit nervous that she cant be with me with a seconds notice anymore, I think the move is best for everyone. I slept really badly the previous night and was feeling a bit mopey during the day. I decided to try and be productive to keep me from feeling too sorry for myself so I had a clear up of my room and a clear out of my makeup. My friend and her boyfriend also came to visit which cheered me up so much (thanks guys - you da best). I also had the most DELICIOUS meal. After having anoher cup of lentil soup for lunch and being reduced to tears mum made me a lovely dinner. I had the spag bol which was left over from yesterday (although less blended so it had a bit of texture which was amazing) followed  my mushed up syrup sponge pudding and custard which tasted SO GOOD. I could have cried with happiness. Bed time is becoming a bit of a disaster as well as it is so sore and distracting. No matter how much pain relief I take it doesn't seem to make any difference. Its so frustrating as when I'm trying to sleep is genuinely the only time I have any pain but its such an intense pain I'm really struggling to sleep - as well as waking up about 5 times a night. Apart from that minor issue everything else is on the up.

Day 13

Today I went back to work! (Admittedly only for a few hours and mostly just for a catch up with my boss as she goes on holiday next week). I didn't find it particularly tiring however I'm only going to go in for a few hours each day this week and ease myself back in slowly. It felt so good to be doing something again. I also had more visitors today who bought me a very funny Mr Potato Head doll (hilarious guys real funny). It was great to see them and really cheered me up. The combination of cake and custard is a new favourite (still delicious) and I had that for pudding again today. I also had my first full sized main course since the operation - as I'm doing more my appetite is definitely increasing again which is great as its much less of an effort to eat when you're actually hungry!

Swelling is down again:

I've done a wee edit to show you all where I still have complete numbness. Although I'm less numb than I thought I would be I'm numb in the opposite places to where they said I would be. (they said I should be completely numb in my lower jaw, lip and chin and this is where I have the most feeling). Ach well here it is:
The shaded bits are where I'm still numb

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